Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all your dreams and wishes come true.

Thursday, 18 December 2014



Video-conferencing: December 2014 on PhotoPeach

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Comenius song


1.Singing, dancing, having fun-
it’s the best way to spend time!
Poland is a beautiful place,
We have mountains, seas and lakes!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Let’s play!
With Comenius it’s a funny way!
Our guests are really nice,
they keep smiling all the time! x 2

2.With Comenius we discovered
many countries in the Union.
Come to Poland our friends
we are grateful for your stay!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Let’s play!
With Comenius it’s a funny way!
Our guests are really nice,
they keep smiling all the time! x 2

Friday, 24 October 2014

Video-conferencing (October 2014)

Poland-Spain & Turkey-Spain

Polish and Spanish schools have had  successful video-conferencing this week . Students talked about their summer holiday and asked and answered questions about  themselves.It has been a nice experience.

Video-conferencing Poland-Spain & Turkey-Spain on PhotoPeach

Monday, 13 October 2014

Comenius Historical magazine

We are delighted to share with you the Historical Magazine about means of transport in each partnership country.

Please click on the link to have a read!

                                                          Comenius Historical Magazine                                                        

Exchange visit to Siedlin, Poland

What a wonderful time we have just had in Poland. The staff, teachers and students at the primary school in Siedlin, Szkola Podstawowa, have been so welcoming.

Our visit began with a wonderful presentation of traditional Polish songs and dances and a performance about the magazine that the schools have all been involved in producing.

After a short break, we looked around the school, which was bright and well equipped. It has children attending from the ages of 6 – 14, as the school is a primary school and a gymnasium combined. Classes in this school had about 16 pupils per class.

On Tuesday, we visited a different school in Lisewo. This was equally bright and welcoming. It was clear that education is a priority within this region of Poland. We then returned to Szkola Podstawowa for lesson observations in various classes.

After lunch, we had a meeting to discuss how the project was going. Each of the schools involved said that they were getting a lot out of the project and making scrapbooks and video conferencing were the favourite activities of the group so far. Each school has had to work hard, but we all felt that this work was rewarded with large numbers of children from each school being involved and developing relationships between the staff involved within the project.

Each school was then presented with copies of the historical magazine about means of transport in each partnership country. Every school had worked hard to contribute several pages, which were interesting and informative, but special thanks must go to staff at Szkola Podstawowa, who produced the magazine very professionally.

We talked about how valuable a tool the blog is proving to be and set dates for the next videoconferences.

During the evening, we returned to school for a National evening with the headmaster, teachers, students, parents and members of the school council. We showed a presentation about each of our schools so that we could see what each of the schools was like. Each school then performed some traditional songs from their country. This was an interesting evening with some very good performances.

On Wednesday we visited Warsaw. We were shown around by a very knowledgeable guide who helped us really understand the city’s past.

On Thursday we planned the preparation of a mini guide, a web quest game and a lip dub, all of which we will create during the coming year. We then all went to classes to teach English to the Polish students.

On Friday, we went to visit the Mayor and the commune council who talked about the changes that were being implemented in Poland to the infra structure and about his involvement with the schools within the region. After a brief coffee break, we went to explore Płock. All in all, this was a very enjoyable and educational trip All the staff involved are collaborating well and real friendships are developing. Personally, I feel so privileged to work with such wonderful people and I hope that I continue to be involved with such a meaningful project.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


The beginning of the school year can be an emotional and busy time for teachers, parents and children. School are ready to meet in video-conferencing. We will have contact with partner school in October via Skype.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

                                  WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!


                          Dear friends, 

                     After our holiday , are you ready for school?

                     I wish you a great back to school. 

                    See you !


Thursday, 29 May 2014

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Dramatising readings: train history

The presentation was prepared by Spanish student and performed by Italian pupils

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Multi-language dictionary

The multi-language dictionary contains names of vocabulary related to different means of transport:
  • ·         train (vocabulary prepared by Spanish students);
  • ·         plane (vocabulary prepared by Greek students);
  • ·         balloon (vocabulary prepared by Turkish students);
  • ·         bus (vocabulary prepared by Polish students);
  • ·         carriage (vocabulary prepared by Polish students);
  • ·         car (vocabulary prepared by Italian students);
  • ·         boat, ship (vocabulary prepared by English and Irish students).

Students and teachers from project schools have prepared list of words, which are very useful while travelling. They are not only in English, but also in Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish and Polish. 

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Comenius Scrapbooks (Spain)

Thank you so much to all the children and their families who have created these beautiful scrapbooks about TRAINS for our COMENIUS project. This is a fantastic way of compiling everybody’s experience about trains with pictures, tickets, drawings, etc. Please find below the following SCRAPBOOKS: INFANTS 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B and PRIMARY 1A, 1B.
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Thursday, 10 April 2014

Dramatisation Information!

Here is the link to our page where you can all find our presentations which contain information about the ships in Belfast which can be used for the dramatisation!

We think our ship history in Belfast is really interesting, we hope you do too!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Year 3's Lifeboat Presentation

Please look at our page to see our Year 3 combined powerpoint! It is the first time these pupils have ever made a powerpoint and they worked very hard on it! We hope you like it.

Here is the link:

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Yesterday was very exciting day in Botanic PS because we were finally able to have our first video conference!As Poland say - better late than never! Thank you to Belen, Jose Antonio and their pupils for a wonderful time! We really loved your train models! Thank you for letting us have this experience and test our technology. Now Caterina - we are ready to Skype everyday!! Hope to see you all soon! Nicola

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Video-conference 22nd Jan, 2014

Better late than never - video-conference between Spain and Poland on the 22nd January 2014.

Presentation - bus

Song 'Red bus' by Andrzej Rosiewicz

Presentation - carriage

Short film used in the presentation

Song "Warsaw carriage driver' by Olgierd Buczek

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Our visit to Turkey


What a wonderful visit we have just had to Turkey.
We were looked after so well and really united as a group. The visit began with a day in school where we joined in with English lessons and the Turkish children dramatised their information on hot air balloons. I think we all enjoyed seeing ourselves portrayed by one of the children and there was so much detail in their play.

 After we watched the plays we had a tour of the school and went in to watch English lessons being taught. In the afternoon we had a meeting with the National Education Director. He made us feel very welcome.

 On Tuesday, all the teachers shared their presentations with the other school teachers. These were very detailed and the pupils had obviously worked very hard to create them. Some schools had also brought their scrap books to show as well, these were very detailed about the different types of transport – and the authors!
 During the meeting we discussed that every school has made a Comenius corner, some of the larger schools have made two corners so that all the children in the school could regularly see the information.
These will develop during the project to include more detail about the specific schools involved and the specific activities undertaken.

The blog is now live and provides us with a useful tool to keep up to date with what is happening in each school. We can now upload presentations and dramatisations to the blog, and information about Comenius events that have been taking place within the schools.

 We now have a lovely mascot and a logo, which schools need to include on completed pieces of work.
 All the schools are enjoying videoconferences with other schools within the project. This is a fabulous way for the children to see who else is involved within the project.
 The next round of videoconferences will take place before the end of March.

 Schools are now preparing a list of words on their transport type to translate into English. This list will be translated in to all 6 languages of the project schools.
They are also preparing dramatisations from the information that they received from the other schools about different transport types.

 All the teachers involved said how much they were enjoying being involved in the project, but, more importantly, how much the children were getting out of the experience, with finding out about different transport types and the video conferencing which allowed them to feel connected to the project schools.
 We had a very educational trip to Turkey and enjoyed the cultural experiences we undertook. We are all looking forward to the next trip, which will be in Sicily.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Spain: Multimedia Presentations 

(Years 5&6)

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SPAIN: Multimedia presentations 

 History of trains (years 3&4)


SPAIN: Multimedia presentations.

                                          TRAIN TO THE CITY,  YEAR 2



ANIMALS TRAIN Children at Infants 4 and 5 have created this beautiful wall-display with an ANIMALS TRAIN where each wagon was decorated by one child at home. MANY THANKS TO ALL THE CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. We learned new vocabulary about Animals and we worked on the Comenius Project at the same time. COMENIUS Animals Train on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 20 March 2014

P4 visit the SS Nomadic

Our P4 class visited the SS Nomadic recently. The SS Nomadic was one of the tender ships for the Titanic and is the last White Star Line ship left in the world! P4 have created a presentation about their visit.

Click the link to our international work page on our school website to view the presentation

You could also have a look at the website for the SS Nomadic here:

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Vısıt to Turkey

We are enjoying our visit to Turkey.

The weather is lovely and the food is great! The people are friendly, and the pupils are very talented! We like the music!

Saturday, 15 March 2014

SPAIN: Train activities. Infants & Primary 1

Hello everybody!! Greetings from Spain!!

Our students from Primary 1 and Infants have been working on various activities related to Trains.
Please watch this video to see our songs, stories, scrapbooks, bookmarks, etc.
Thanks for leaving your comments and have a nice day!!

C.P. Baudilio Arce School. Oviedo. Spain.
March 2014.

Sunday, 23 February 2014

SPAIN: Train Cake

Hello everybody!!

At our school (C.P. Baudilio Arce, Oviedo) we are working very hard on the train.
Last Friday, students from Primary Year 1 (6-year-olds) made a TRAIN CAKE, so we practised some vocabulary about trains (locomotive, wagons, track, chimney, wheels, windows, train driver, etc) and it was fun and delicious!!
Thanks to all for watching the video and leaving your comments :-) and greetings from Spain.

C.P. Baudilio Arce, Oviedo

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

The Titanic - From Year 5 in Belfast

Dear Comenius partners, 

As we have no way of video-conferencing at the moment (I am still working on it but our school firewall in Northern Ireland is just ridiculous!) I have uploaded a video (in two parts)  to the 'International Work' page of our school website. I hope you all enjoy it. Year 5 researched the most famous ship from Belfast - the RMS Titanic and they have put it all into a video for your pupils to enjoy. Also on the same webpage you will find photos and information relating to our project work. We are working on our scrapbooks and we look forward to sharing them!

Here is the link:

Please let us know what you think!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Schools are ready for next video-conferencing: England -Greece, Italy- Turkey, Poland-Spain.
Unfortunately, Northern Ireland has had some technical problems, and because of this, we have a temporary alternative.
They will record some videos and send them to their partners and partner schools  will send similar videos in return.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Video-conference with Turkey

On the 16th December 2013 our school took part in the video-conference with school from Izmir. We talked about Christmas traditions in our countries. That was a good fun!


Hello everyone!
Today we would like to present you the pictures of the bus and the carriage drawn by students of classes 4 and 5. I hope you will like them :-) Warm greetings from cold Poland!

Ewelina Długoszewska

 Karolina Wiśniewska

Magda Banasiak

Maja Budkowska

Maja Witkowska

Malwina Mak

Sandra Dąbrowska

Sandra Ezman

Izabela Szymańska

 Michał Sadowski

Wiktoria Grudna

Hubert Zalesiak